Which Breast Implant Will Give Me the Most Natural Look?


This is a common question during breast augmentation consultation in San Diego. There is, however, no straightforward answer to that question and each case must be addressed differently.

The patient should clearly express their desired appearance and goals. Even more, examination will yield information on the size of the implant the breast can accommodate. It is advantageous to the patient to bring photos of what she desires.

Implants are divided into two types; Saline and Silicone. Both types have a silicone shell, but the silicone implant are filled with form stable silicone. The shell can be smooth or textured. Furthermore, Implants are classified into round and shaped (tear drop).

Implants come in different profiles from a moderate profile to ultrahigh profile. Hence, each type and shape of implants have different application and will give different look.

Below are several points that will help you decide which implant is right for you

1- Desired look by the patient.

2- Shape and size of the breast.

3- Patient preference of implant type and shape.

4- Location of the implant above or below the pectoralis muscle.

5- The need for breast lift at the time of augmentation.

6- The need for additional procedure such as liposuction of the axilla, or tummy tuck to create a more harmonious body contour.

7- The surgeon and the patient perception of natural look.

Detailed history and examination are essential to determine the right procedure. For more information you can contact our office in San Diego at 619 522 0821 . Dr. Jaibaji is double board certified plastic surgeon.

Coronado Cosmetic Office

1001 B Avenue
Suite 108,

CoronadoCA 92118

United States (US)

Phone: 619 435 1736
Secondary phone: 619 522 0821

San Diego Cosmetic Office

8929 University Center Ln
Suite 202,

San DiegoCA 92122

United States (US)

Phone: 619 522 0821
Secondary phone: 619 435 1736