Face Reconstruction Surgery San Diego
Personal Attention & Specialized Care
What Is Face Reconstruction Surgery?
The face is one of the most prominent features of our physical identity, which makes facial injury a particularly traumatic event. Through facial trauma reconstruction, injuries to the face, neck or scalp as well damage to the bone or teeth, can be effectively corrected or repaired.
Facial trauma encompasses all injuries to the face, jaw or mouth. Anyone who has experienced damage to one of these areas may benefit from facial trauma reconstruction procedures. Facial trauma procedures are designed to repair:
If large areas of skin are missing, your surgeon may perform flap reconstruction. Flap reconstruction involves transplanting living tissue from another part of your body to the treatment area.
Face Reconstruction
Prior to surgery, your surgeon will work with you to devise a personalized treatment plan. Your treatment will vary greatly depending on the specific location and type of facial injury. Soft tissue injuries such as lacerations to the face are often repaired with sutures.
If large areas of skin are missing, your surgeon may perform flap reconstruction. Flap reconstruction involves transplanting living tissue from another part of your body to the treatment area.
This patient had cancer of the lower lip on the right side. The cancer was excised and the lower lip was reconstructed. The after surgery photos show different stages of healing.
Face Reconstruction Recovery
Recovery times will depend on the extent and complexity of your procedures. It is realistic to anticipate a moderate amount of swelling and bruising in the treatment area, which may take several weeks to fully resolve. Your surgeon will provide you with specific aftercare instructions and may prescribe pain medication to manage your discomfort. Normal activities may be restricted for several weeks.
Incisions or repaired lacerations should be kept clean. Scars resulting from incision lines will gradually fade and flatten over the course of several months. Severe facial fractures may require additional surgery following the initial healing phase to help restore form and function to the face.
All surgical procedures carry the risk of complication. These risks will be discussed in depth during your consultation. Some risks associated with facial trauma surgery may include adverse reaction to anesthesia, excessive bleeding, infection or undesirable cosmetic outcome.
Before & After
View Our GallerySchedule a Reconstructive Surgery Consultation with Dr. Moneer Jaibaji
Contact us to schedule a consultation. During your consultation, you will have the opportunity to review photos and discuss details such as the cost and expected recovery time.
This patient had cancer of the lower lip on the right side. The cancer was excised and the lower lip was reconstructed. The after surgery photos show different stages of healing.
Case Studies
This patient had cancer of the lower lip on the right side. The cancer was excised and the lower lip was reconstructed. The after surgery photos show different stages of healing.
This patient had recurrent basal skin cancer to the lover lid. The after photo shows complete healing and the cancer is completely removed.
This patient had neurofibromatosis of the left cheek. Resection was performed.