Preservation Rhinoplasty in San Diego

Personal Attention & Specialized Care

If you’re unhappy with your nose but worried about how natural rhinoplasty results would look on you, preservation rhinoplasty could be the procedure for you.

At Jaibaji Plastic Surgery, our experienced rhinoplasty specialist, Dr. Moneer Jaibaji, specializes in customized nose surgeries that meet individual needs and goals.

Preservation rhinoplasty is an increasingly popular nose surgery option for patients who want an enhanced appearance but not a drastic change.

Preservation Rhinoplasty In Coronado & La Jolla, CA

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Since opening his Coronado cosmetic surgery office doors in 2006, Dr. Jaibaji has maintained his vision of unparalleled patient care with high quality aesthetic and reconstructive results by personally supervising every aspect of the cosmetic surgery experience.

Hence, Dr. Jaibaji’s unique attention to detail and personal care for his patients has led to his advice has been sought out on MTV’s, “True Life”, and local San Diego TV channels, among other places.

What Is Preservation Rhinoplasty?

Preservation rhinoplasty is a modern surgical technique prioritizing the nose’s original anatomy. As the name implies, this type of surgery helps preserve the bony framework of your nose and keeps the soft tissues within it as close to their original state as possible while still creating subtle, natural changes.

Coronado & La Jolla, CA Preservation Rhinoplasty Procedure

Preservation and Traditional Rhinoplasty: The Differences

Although they’re both types of nose surgery, preservation and traditional rhinoplasty have some significant differences. The two surgeries tackle two of the main challenges of nose surgery in very different ways.

Bump or hump on the nose

One of the most common reasons that patients seek rhinoplasty is a bump or hump on the bridge of the nose.

In traditional rhinoplasty, surgeons address this issue by sanding the bridge of the nose and removing cartilage from the top of the nose. The process eliminates much of the nose’s natural structure, so rhinoplasty also involves some reconstructive measures.

Because it involves extensive reconstruction, traditional rhinoplasty can sometimes produce a more dramatic change than some patients want. For example, some patients worry about having a “done” looking nose, or having a nose that looks like everyone else’s.

Preservation rhinoplasty solves this potential problem. In this procedure, Dr. Jaibaji works from the underside of the nose, not the top.

He removes specific segments of cartilage and bone, leaving the top of the nose intact. This allows the nasal hump to move downward and line up with the rest of the nose. It creates a natural correction without compromising the nose structure.

With preservation rhinoplasty, extensive nose-rebuilding techniques aren’t necessary because the top of the nose wasn’t disrupted.

Large, uneven, or misshapen nasal tip

Another common reason to seek a nose job is unhappiness with the tip of the nose. Traditional rhinoplasty often reshapes this area dramatically but doesn’t typically preserve the delicate structure of the nose’s nasal ligaments and soft tissues.

With preservation rhinoplasty, Dr. Jaibaji uses conservative methods to help maintain soft tissues and nasal ligaments while enhancing appearance.

Thanks to this less disruptive approach, Dr. Jaibaji may not have to lift the skin of the nose (something common with traditional rhinoplasty) to make a beautiful and natural correction.

Benefits of Preservation Rhinoplasty

Preservation rhinoplasty offers many advantages, including:

  • Less trauma to the nose when compared to traditional rhinoplasty
  • Faster recovery when compared to traditional rhinoplasty
  • Subtle results that look truly natural
  • Your nose maintains its natural structure for a longer period of time

The biggest benefit is the high degree of customization. Dr. Jaibaji takes the time to understand your needs, evaluate your nasal anatomy, and plan the most precise procedure so your nose still looks like you, only better.

Schedule Your Preservation Rhinoplasty Consultation in San Diego

If you’re ready to renew the appearance of your nose while keeping your own unique appearance, we’re happy to discuss preservation rhinoplasty with you. Dr. Jaibaji shows you examples of preservation rhinoplasty results and helps you decide if it’s right for you, so don’t wait to contact us online or call our office at (619) 522-0821.

Case Studies

Patient Age: 45, Patient Height: 5.2, Patient Weight: 112 This patient had silicone nasal implant to augment the nose bridge. The procedure was performed in the far east. Initially, she was pleased with the results, but, as the swelling started to subside she noticed deformity of the nose. The implant was shifted to the right side causing widening of the nose and was giving her constant pain. She saw Dr. Jaibaji for a consultation. After complete evaluation of her nose and her goals, she elected to have a nose revision surgery. During surgery, diced cartilage graft was used to replace the silicone implant. The silicone nose implant was removed.

Preservation Rhinoplasty with correction of deviated nose and hump removal. One month after surgery. Her breathing has improved after the surgery.

Rhinoplasty with dorsal preservation. The bump was corrected and the shop of the tip improved.

Rhinoplasty with correction of nasal tip and hump. She also had her breathing problem corrected.

Patient had nasal deviation and septal deviation. She wanted the hump removed and tip shape improve.

1001 B Avenue,
Suite 108
Coronado, Ca, 92118
Phone: (619) 435-1736
Phone & Text: (619) 522-0821

Monday                8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday                8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday          8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday              8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday                   8:00 am – 5:00 pm

8929 University Center Ln
Suite 202,
La Jolla, CA 92122
Phone: (619) 435-1736
Phone & Text: (619) 522-0821

Monday                8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday                8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday          8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday              8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday                   8:00 am – 5:00 pm