Rhinoplasty Gallery
This patient from San Diego was concerned about the bump on her nose. She underwent rhinoplasty ( nose Job) and the hump was removed. Her recovery was uneventful.
This patient from Orange County was interested in rhinoplasty. She was concerned about the high nose bridge, the wide and poorly defined tip and her nose tip points slightly down. She had a consultation with Dr. Jaibaji, double board certified plastic surgeon, at his San Diego office. The patients goals were to correct the hump, improve her tip shape and rotate the tip upward. The operation discussed was open rhinoplasty. In this procedure an incision is made in the narrowest part of the columella . This would allow complete visualization of the nose cartilages and allow to shape the cartilage to give her a better tip. At the same time, the dorsal hump was removed.
Gender: Female Facial Surgery San Diego Facial Procedure: Nose Job San Diego Smoking History: Non-Smoker Rhinoplasty Options: Open Rhinoplasty This patient, from San Diego, was concerned about the shape of her nose. She had a bump at the bridge and wide nose base. Images show before and after results.
This patient was concerned by the bump at the back of her nose. She also had trauma to the nose. She underwent removal of the bump and her recovery was uneventful.
Gender: Female, Height: 5′ 4″ Months Post-Op: 2 Facial Surgery Procedure: Rhinoplasty Smoking History: Non-Smoker Rhinoplasty Options: Open Rhinoplasty This patient had tip surgery, removal of the bump at the nose dorsum, and narrowing of the bones. Images are shown for the before and after.
Patient Age: 45 Patient Height: 5.2 Patient Weight: 112 This patient had silicone nasal implant to augment the nose bridge. The procedure was performed in the far east. Initially, she was pleased with the results, but, as the swelling started to subside she noticed deformity of the nose. The implant was shifted to the right side causing widening of the nose and was giving her constant pain. She saw Dr. Jaibaji for a consultation. After complete evaluation of her nose and her goals, she elected to have a nose revision surgery. During surgery, diced cartilage graft was used to replace the silicone implant. The silicone nose implant was removed.
This patient from San Diego had septal and nasal deviation. He underwent rhinoplasty to correct the septal deviation and removal of the bump at the back of the nose. Results are shown several months after surgery.
This patient had rhinopehyma, a condition of skin thickening of the nose and is related to rosacea. The excess skin was removed and the after pictures were taken 5 weeks after the surgery.
Revision rhinoplasty. Saddle nose deformity. This was corrected with placement of a diced cartilage graft to the nose dorsum.
Rhinoplasty with lowering of the dorsal bump and nasal tip refinement.
Rhinoplasty and septopalasty.
Rhinoplasty and septopalasty. This patient had breathing difficulty and was not happy with the nose shape. His breathing improved significantly after the surgery and he is very happy with the shape.
Rhinoplasty wit removal of the bump at the nose back.
Septorhinoplasty. This patient had breathing difficulty and was concerned about the nose bump. He had the bump removed and his breathing improved.
Patient had nasal deviation and septal deviation. She wanted the hump removed and tip shape improve.
Rhinoplasty with correction of nasal tip and hump. She also had her breathing problem corrected.
Rhinoplasty with septal reconstruction. Nasal deviation is corrected and his breathing improved.
Rhinoplasty with dorsal preservation. The bump was corrected and the shop of the tip improved.
Rhinoplasty with correction of the nasal deviation, bump on back of nose and breathing difficulty. The patient is very happy not just with the shape but also with his breathing.
Rhinoplasty with removal of the bump and correction of his breathing. Hi breathing is much better after the surgery and he very pleased with the shape.
Preservation Rhinoplasty with correction of deviated nose and hump removal. One month after surgery. Her breathing has improved after the surgery.
This patient had septorhinoplasty many years ago and was complaining of breathing difficulty and deviated nose. He underwent revision nose surgery with rib cartilage graft The nasal deviation was corrected and his breathing improved.