Breast Asymmetry Surgery in San Diego

Personal Attention & Specialized Care

What Is a Breast Asymmetry Correction ?

Although asymmetric breasts are very common, a pronounced difference in size can make some women feel embarrassed and self-conscious. Breast asymmetry correction is a surgical procedure that can improve balance and proportion between the breasts.

Most women have slightly different-sized (asymmetrical) breasts. In cases where the difference in size is pronounced, correction can be achieved. There are several ways to go about a correction for asymmetrical breasts:
1- Augment (enlarge) the smaller breast to look like the larger one.
2- Reduce the size of the larger breast to match the smaller one.
3- Breast augmentation and breast reduction are usually performed when there is significant difference in the size and shape of the breast.
4-  Nipple reductions or revisions can also be done to make them more symmetrical.
5- Fat transfer to breast to correct asymmetry is gaining popularity. Fat is removed from one part of the body with liposuction and then transferred to the breasts.

During your consultation with Dr. Jaibaji, a full evaluation of the breast and addressing your desire will be made to determine the most appropriate procedure.

breast asymmetry correction la jolla

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Since opening his Coronado cosmetic surgery office doors in 2006, Dr. Jaibaji has maintained his vision of unparalleled patient care with high quality aesthetic and reconstructive results by personally supervising every aspect of the cosmetic surgery experience.

Hence, Dr. Jaibaji’s unique attention to detail and personal care for his patients has led to his advice has been sought out on MTV’s, “True Life”, and local San Diego TV channels, among other places.

Breast Asymmetry Surgery

Although asymmetric breasts are very common, a pronounced difference in size can make some women feel embarrassed and self-conscious. Breast asymmetry correction is a surgical procedure that can improve balance and proportion between the breasts.

This is a 23 year patient who has mild breast asymmetry. She had breast augmentation with Cohesive gel silicone implants. The implants were 435 cc hight profile each and were placed under the pectoral muscle. Patient Age: 23, Patient Height: 5.7, Patient Weight: 133 Implant Size (Left): 435, Implant Size (Right): 435 Cup Size Before: A, Cup Size After: D

Recovery for Breast Asymmetry

breast augmentation surgery la jolla

This really varies depending on whether a breast asymmetry augmentation, reduction or uplift was performed to even out the breasts. For the first few days after the breast augmentation surgery you will wear a special surgical bra to minimize swelling and support the breasts. Expect to feel tired and for your breasts to feel tender for the first 24 to 48 hours at least. You will continue to wear one of the surgical support bras for several weeks at all times. Most women take one to two weeks off from work and normal activity; strenuous activity is not recommended for six weeks after the operation. Avoid lifting and pushing for two weeks–no heavy lifting or pushing for four weeks.

Fat Graft San Diego

Is Fat graft right for you?
To determine if you are a good candidate for breast fat transfer you have to have an in person consultation. During the consultation, Dr. Jaibaji, Board Certified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon, will determine if you are a good candidate. Typically you should be in good heath, non smoker and have no contraindication to surgery.

Where is the fat harvested from?
Typically fat is harvested from any area where there is excess. The abdomen, waist area and thighs are the most common fat source areas.
Once the fat is harvested, it will have to to processed in a sterile technique and injected into the breasts.

Will I need anesthesia for fat graft San Diego?
Yes, generally speaking patients who need fat transfer will need general anesthesia or sedation to perform the procedure. For small fat grafts and limited area, the producer can be performed under local anesthesia.

What are the downsides of fat transfer to breast?
The complication of fat transfer can be reduced with proper technique. Fat necrosis, oil cysts, calcifications, and fat resorption are among the complications of fat transfer.

How much fat will survive?
Generally speaking about 50%-60% of fat will remain after 9 months.

Case Studies

This is a 23 year patient who has mild breast asymmetry. She had breast augmentation with Cohesive gel silicone implants. The implants were 435 cc hight profile each and were placed under the pectoral muscle. Patient Age: 23, Patient Height: 5.7, Patient Weight: 133 Implant Size (Left): 435, Implant Size (Right): 435 Cup Size Before: A, Cup Size After: D

This is a patient from san Diego who was interested in breast enhancement. She has breast asymmetry with the right breast smaller. She was interested in silicone breast implants. After consultation with Dr. Jaibaji, it was decided to place ultra high profile implants under the muscle. The left breast implant was 400 cc implant and the right breast implant was 430 cc. The implants were placed through an areolar incision. She was pleased with the results. She also had tummy tuck done and umbilical hernia repair (mommy makeover).

Gender: Female, Age: 20, Height: 5′ 1″, Weight: 180 lb Breast Surgery San Diego Procedure Type: Breast Asymmetry Correction San Diego, Coronado and La Jolla Implant Placement: Sub muscular, Incision Site: Periareolar Pre-Op Cup Size: C Post-Op Cup Size: DD Implant Type: Saline, Implant Profile: High Profile, Implant Shape: Rounded Implant Surface: Smooth Left Implant Size: 600cc, Right Implant Size: 570cc This patient had breast asymmetry and tuberous breast deformity. She underwent breast augmentation with saline implants. The implants were placed under the muscle. Breast asymmetry is a difference in breast size or shape, or both. Most commonly the difference is in size and shape. In many cases this is unnoticeable and needs no surgical correction. Sometimes, surgical intervention is needed to equalize the breasts.

Contact Us Today

1001 B Avenue,
Suite 108
Coronado, Ca, 92118
Phone: (619) 435-1736
Phone & Text: (619) 522-0821

Monday                8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday                8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday          8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday              8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday                   8:00 am – 5:00 pm

8929 University Center Ln
Suite 202,
La Jolla, CA 92122
Phone: (619) 435-1736
Phone & Text: (619) 522-0821

Monday                8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday                8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday          8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday              8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday                   8:00 am – 5:00 pm