FAQ About Tuberous Breast Surgery
Breasts can serve as a point of pride or dash their owner’s self-confidence and self-esteem, depending on features such as their shape and size. If you have unusually small or oddly shaped breasts and areolas, you may suffer from a common cosmetic issue known as tuberous breast syndrome.
Fortunately, modern plastic surgery can correct tuberous breast syndrome, giving you the symmetrical breasts you may have longed for since puberty. Take a look at the answers to some frequently asked questions regarding tuberous breast surgery, from an explanation of the condition itself to your corrective options.
What Does Tuberous Breast Syndrome Involve?
Tuberous breast syndrome gets its name from the fact that breasts affected by this syndrome may bear a slight resemblance to oblong or lumpy vegetables in the tuber family (such as squash and potatoes). Doctors also refer to this issue as tubular breasts, conical breasts, constricted breasts, and lower pole hyperplasia.
Medical science has yet to identify a particular gene or other inherited factor that might lead to tuberous breast syndrome, although it may in fact get its start before birth. When an affected girl’s breasts appear during puberty, they may appear unusually small or uneven in shape or size, with unusually full areolas.
Women typically have one of three primary types of tuberous breast syndrome. Type I may involve only minor elevation and enlargement of the areolas and inner breast tissue. Type II often involves more of the breast and an insufficient envelope of skin at the base of the breasts. Type III involves even more severe deformity and areola herniation.
How Do Cosmetic Surgeons Correct Tuberous Breast Syndrome?
Cosmetic surgeons may take a variety of corrective approaches to tuberous breast syndrome depending on the type and degree of breast deformity. For instance, if you have enlarged areolas, your surgeon may simply remove the excess tissue. And a breast lift can correct drooping related to tuberous breast syndrome.
If you want to increase the size and volume of your breasts, your cosmetic surgeon can insert silicone implants. However, if you don’t have enough skin to accommodate the implants, you may first need to have a device called a tissue expander installed to encourage the growth of new tissue before proceeding.
What Can You Expect Following Tuberous Breast Surgery?
As in many other cosmetic surgery procedures, you’ll want to discuss tuberous breast surgery with your surgeon in advance, including potential risks and complications. Examples of possible post-surgery issues can include discomfort, infection, bleeding, nerve damage, and scar tissue formation.
Additionally, you might need to spend the night in the hospital for observation after a more invasive procedure. Your surgeon will equip you with any necessary antibiotics, prescription pain relievers, and guidance on postoperative self-care. A surgical bra may also prove useful for improving comfort and speeding recovery.
Plan in advance for someone to help you with daily activities for the first few days following your surgery (or until you can lift your arms comfortably). Your surgeon may install tubes to help with postoperative drainage, in which case you’ll most likely have them removed after the first week.
Many individuals enjoy complete recovery from tuberous breast surgery within a few weeks’ time, barring any complications. However, if you undergo more than one procedure (or a particularly extensive procedure), you may need more time to recover.
If you believe that you have tuberous breast syndrome, and that you can benefit from surgery to correct your breasts’ shape and appearance, contact Jaibaji Plastic Surgery today. We have the necessary skills, tools, and experience to help you enjoy optimal results for a happier, more confident life.