5 Things to Understand About Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, has helped many individuals improve their looks, their breathing ability, or both. This surgical category can include numerous procedures aimed at altering nasal shape or function. However, while people often pursue rhinoplasty for cosmetic purposes, they must still approach it seriously and thoughtfully.
The more you know about rhinoplasty applications, procedures, preparation, and recovery, the fewer surprises you’ll encounter in your journey toward a more functional or attractive nose. Keep the following five points in minds as you discuss the procedure with your plastic surgeon.
1. Reasons for Scheduling Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty can correct a variety of cosmetic defects affecting the nose. You may want to consider rhinoplasty if you want to correct an unattractive hump on the bridge of your nose, an unusually wide or narrow nose, a nose with an unusually bulbous tip, or a nose that droops downward toward your upper lip.
Even if you like your nose’s current dimensions, you may still need to schedule rhinoplasty to correct any problem that impairs your ability to breathe through it. Examples include a deviated septum or narrowed nasal valve that causes chronic stuffiness or snoring problems.
2. Types of Rhinoplasty Procedures
The two main approaches to rhinoplasty include open procedures and closed procedures. Open rhinoplasty, which involves cutting and moving aside external tissues, enables the plastic surgeon to make major alterations to the nose’s anatomy. However, it may also leave a visible scar just beneath the nostrils.
Closed rhinoplasty doesn’t allow for the same freedom to make major changes, but it can prove highly successful at correcting more subtle nasal issues. The closed approach also has the advantage of not leaving external scars, since all the work occurs within the interior of the nose.
Another category of rhinoplasty involves the injection of fillers into parts of the nose to plump out individual contours. While filler rhinoplasty usually calls for nothing more than local anesthesia and sedation, more involved procedures usually require general anesthesia. All rhinoplasty procedures allow you to go home that same day.
3. Good Candidates for Rhinoplasty
Your plastic surgeon will make certain that your rhinoplasty offers the best possible chance for a successful outcome. Good candidates for rhinoplasty have completed their adult facial growth, enjoy good overall health, avoid smoking, approach surgery with a positive attitude, and know to keep their expectations within realistic boundaries.
4. Pro-Operative Considerations
You may need to give up certain habits before undergoing a rhinoplasty procedure. If you smoke, for instance, your plastic surgeon will most likely advise you to quit before the surgery, since tobacco can deprive your tissues of the oxygen needed for healing. Drinking alcohol the week before your surgery can also make healing more difficult.
Even substances that normally provide health benefits can interfere with your post-operative recovery. Because of this, you`ll need to give your plastic surgeon a complete list of any and all prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and nutritional supplements you currently take. You may have to stop using any products that promote bleeding or swelling.
5. Post-Operative Considerations
Expect some discomfort and swelling after your rhinoplasty surgery. You may need to wear splints or other supportive materials in or on your nose for the first few weeks of recovery. However, after the worst of the swelling dies down, your nose should gradually take on its desired new features over the next several months.
Make sure to follow your plastic surgeon’s home care instructions, including advice on how to monitor the surgery site and watch for complications such as infection. Take any prescribed antibiotics or pain medications according to their directions.
If you want to make some significant changes to your nose’s shape, size, contours, or function, entrust those changes to the skilled professionals at Jaibaji Plastic Surgery. Contact our office to set up a consultation and discuss your rhinoplasty options.