Tummy Tuck or Liposuction: Which Is Best for Your Stomach?
Do you dream of having six pack abs, but have trouble getting a flat tummy even with the strictest diet and exercise plan? Dr. Moneer Jaibaji, a double board-certified plastic surgeon, has helped many patients to improve their physique with tummy tuck and/or liposuction. To assist you in determining which surgery is most beneficial for your abdomen, he explains the differences in this blog.
Distinguishing Between Surgeries
Liposuction suctions out unwanted fat cells from your body, but that does not make it a weight loss surgery. Instead, liposuction is best suited for patients who are near their ideal weight but have a bit of stubborn fat they would like to remove. Liposuction can help to improve your contours in many areas of the body, but the midsection is one of the most popular areas for this surgery because fat accumulates around the belly on many people.
Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, focuses on the sagging, excess skin around your stomach. While this loose skin is not the same thing as fat, it can create a “muffin top” effect, which resembles fat underneath clothing. With tummy tuck, Dr. Jaibaji removes loose skin and tightens the remaining skin to flatten the stomach. He also repairs abdominal muscles that have shifted out of place to restore a toned appearance.
Which Surgery Makes Sense for You?
The answer to this question usually depends on your own body. If stubborn fat around your belly has withstood your diet and exercise attempts, you are probably a good candidate for liposuction. However, if you lost a significant amount of weight (be it from dieting or after a pregnancy) and now have loose skin around your midsection, tummy tuck can achieve better results.
You may be uncertain whether loose skin or excess fat is the primary source of your flabby tummy. During a consultation, Dr. Jaibaji can evaluate your midsection and recommend his professional opinion so that you best achieve the type of body you seek.
Combining Procedures Is an Option
You may have both excess fat and loose skin, which is why many patients end up deciding to have liposuction and tummy tuck performed in tandem. In one surgical session, Dr. Jaibaji can both suction out fat cells and tighten the skin for a more complete transformation. Besides, if you only have liposuction but still have loose skin in this area, you are unlikely to achieve the attractive, flat tummy you were hoping for.
Combining plastic surgery procedures has its own benefits. Not only do you save some money by paying facility and anesthesia costs just once, but you also get to have your recovery periods run concurrently rather than needing to take two separate “vacations” from work.
Make an Appointment to Speak with Dr. Jaibaji
To find out more about liposuction, tummy tuck or both with one of San Diego’s top plastic surgeons, please schedule a consultation at Jaibaji Plastic Surgery by calling (619) 552-0821 today.