4 Key Points About Fat Grafting
Many people who scrutinize themselves in the mirror don’t just wish that they could get rid of fat in a particular area of the body; they also wish that they had a little more plumpness or roundness in a totally different area, including on the face. If you have felt this way, you should know about a cosmetic procedure called fat grafting.
With the wide range of plastic surgery and other cosmetic treatment options currently available, you might find it hard to decide between fat grafting and another procedure that can also achieve your desired result. Think about the following four key fat grafting points as you discuss the potential of fat grafting with your surgeon.
1. The Fat Grafting Procedure Explained
Fat grafting starts with the removal of unwanted body fat. Plastic surgeons accomplish the first step through a technique called liposuction, in which a vacuum device draws unwanted fat cells out of the body through tubes inserted into the donor area. Laboratory processing then purifies the fat by removing extraneous materials.
The next major step involves injecting these purified fat cells into the part of the body that requires extra volume. After administering a local anesthetic and inserting the needle into the layer of tissue that lies beneath the skin, the cosmetic surgeon gradually injects a few droplets of fat at a time to plump up the skin’s appearance.
2. Applications and Special Benefits of Fat Grafting
Cosmetic surgeons commonly use fat grafting for the same applications that might involve facial fillers. Your surgeon may recommend it to fill out your cheekbones, correct unsightly or uneven jowls, reduce bags under the eyes, and make other thinned or hollowed areas of your face appear more rounded and youthful.
Fat grafting offers a double benefit. Even as the fat injections enhance your facial features, the liposuction used to extract the fat for processing and injection can slim fatty bulges on your hips, buttocks, thighs, abdomen, and other trouble spots that have failed to respond to diet, exercise, and other health improvement efforts.
3. Fat Grafting Versus Synthetic Fillers
Even if you don’t care about reducing excess body fat, you might choose fat grafting over synthetic facial fillers. Unlike synthetics, natural fat becomes part of your own tissue at the treatment site, integrating easily into your facial features. It can also provide longer-lasting results, depending partly on your surgeon’s skill.
For some people, synthetic fillers may still offer a more practical solution than fat grafting. Most obviously, facial fillers don’t call for the extra (and invasive) step of liposuction. Because fat grafting sometimes requires additional injections to achieve the desired result (due to absorption of some fat), fillers may involve lower up-front costs.
4. Recovery From Fat Grafting
You’ll need some time to recover from both the liposuction and the facial injections. For instance, to keep blood from pooling in the part of the body that received liposuction, your cosmetic surgeon may have you wear an abdominal binder or other compression garment for up to two months.
Swelling and bruising at the injection site commonly develop over the first few days after a fat grafting procedure. (You can minimize the swelling by sleeping with the affected site in an elevated position.) The swelling may take a few weeks to subside, with full recovery occurring within six months’ time.
Jaibaji Plastic Surgery offers fat grafting among a variety of other cosmetic procedures to help you redistribute your facial or body contours safely and effectively. Contact our cosmetic surgery office today to schedule a consultation so we can determine whether this procedure makes sense for your needs and goals.