Body Contouring in San Diego

Personal Attention & Specialized Care

Following major weight loss, many are faced with the disappointing reality of excess skin and fat deposits that fail to shrink back to their former size and shape. Body contouring is a combination of various cosmetic procedures designed to improve the shape and tone of your body following major weight loss.

Although body contouring cosmetic surgery cannot give you the perfect body, it can drastically improve your physical appearance. Body contouring is used to effectively address loose, heavy folds of skin, as well as improve the shape and tone of tissue in the thighs, arms, buttocks, abdomen, and face.

body contouring la jolla

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Since opening his Coronado cosmetic surgery office doors in 2006, Dr. Jaibaji has maintained his vision of unparalleled patient care with high quality aesthetic and reconstructive results by personally supervising every aspect of the cosmetic surgery experience.

Hence, Dr. Jaibaji’s unique attention to detail and personal care for his patients has led to his advice has been sought out on MTV’s, “True Life”, and local San Diego TV channels, among other places.

Body Contouring

When to Choose Body Contouring Excess skin can significantly limit your mobility, as well has contribute to a host of medical and hygiene issues. If you’re frustrated with the appearance of loose, sagging skin following major weight loss, you may benefit from body contouring procedures.

Gender: Female, Height: 5′ 1″, Weight: 165 lbs Months Post-Op: 6 Body Contouring San Diego Body Contouring Procedure: Body Lift San Diego and La Jolla Type of Liposuction used: Super Wet Technique Liposuction Liposuction Treated Areas: Waist This patient, from San Diego, lost over 100 lb. She underwent circumferential abdominoplasty.

Body Contouring Recovery

body contouring coronado

Immediately following surgery, it is common for patients to experience some pain and soreness at the sites of incision. Your surgeon may prescribe you oral pain medication to manage your discomfort. Drainage tubes may be inserted underneath your skin to drain excess fluid and you may be required to wear a compression garment for several days to minimize swelling.

A body lift is a major surgical procedure and typically requires several weeks of recovery. Most patients remain in the hospital for the first 1-3 days after surgery. A full recovery is likely to take between 4-6 weeks. Strenuous activities may be restricted for up to eight weeks. The results of surgery will become apparent as swelling gradually subsides. Incision scars may take several months to flatten and fade.

As with all surgical procedures, a body lift involves a degree of risk and uncertainty. Your surgeon with discuss these risks with you in-depth during your consultation visits. Some possible risks of body lift surgery may include infection, adverse reaction to anesthesia, skin discoloration, poor wound healing, unfavorable scarring, asymmetry and changes in skin sensation.

 Cosmetic procedures that may be recommended by your surgeon include:

  • Liposuction to remove isolated fat deposits from multiple areas of the body.
  • Tummy Tuck surgery to slim down the abdomen and reshape abdominal muscles.
  • Arm Lift surgery to reduce excess skin and tissue on the upper arms.
  • Body Lift surgery to correct excess skin present on the lower body.
  • Thigh Lift surgery to remove loose skin and excess fat from the inner and outer thighs.

Prior to surgery, you will be administered either a local or general anesthesia, depending on your surgeon’s recommendation. All body contouring procedures require incisions to remove excess skin. The incision length and pattern will depend on the quantity and location of your excess skin. Advanced techniques often allow incisions to be strategically placed in concealable locations.

After Body Contouring in San Diego

Following surgery, it is likely that you will experience some discomfort, swelling and bruising for several weeks. Your physician may prescribe you medication to help manage your discomfort. Your physician may also ask that you wear a compression garment for several days in order to minimize swelling and encourage proper healing. Most patients are capable of returning to work and other daily activities within 2-4 weeks. More demanding physical activities may be restricted for several weeks.

Immediate results will be apparent, but it may take several months before final results are visible. The results of your body contouring procedures will be long-lasting. Significant weight fluctuations and the normal aging process may alter results with time.

All surgical procedures present a degree of risk and uncertainty. Potential risks may include infection, adverse reaction to anesthesia, excessive scarring, poor healing, prolonged swelling, numbness and blood clots. All of these risks will be reviewed in depth during the consultation process.

Body Lift in San Diego

A body lift, also know as a belt lipectomy, is a cosmetic procedure frequently performed on patients who have undergone major weight loss. Body lift surgery is designed to improve the appearance of your body by removing excess skin and resculpting the underlying tissue of your lower body.

When to Choose a Body Lift

The primary goal of a body lift is to sculpt, reshape and tighten the body. Patients who have lost a significant amount of weight, or those who possess stubborn fat and excess skin in one or more areas, may benefit from a body lift. You may be a potential candidate for a body lift if you meet the following criteria:

  • You have significant soft tissue and loose skin in one or more body areas
  • You are committed to maintaining a stable body weight
  • You are in good physical and psychological health
  • You possess realistic cosmetic goals and expectations

A body lift procedure is capable of addressing multiple problem areas in a single operation. The final results will be both functional and cosmetic. Heavy folds of skin will be reduced and the underlying structures that support fat and skin will be tightened. The best way to determine if body lift surgery is right for you is to schedule a consultation with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon. Be prepared to discuss factors such as your medical history, current medications and cosmetic goals.

Body Lift Surgery with Dr. Jaibaji

More than one surgery may be required to achieve optimal results. Prior to your procedure, intravenous sedation or general anesthesia will be administered for your comfort. Your surgeon will then make a series of incisions to reposition underlying tissue and remove excess skin. The incision length and pattern will depend on the location and amount of excess skin and fat planned for removal. Following the removal of excess fat and tissue, liposuction may also be necessary to boost contour. The skin will then be redraped and tightened across the newly shaped body. All incisions will be closed with a combination of sutures, skin adhesives or surgical tape.

Consultation with Dr. Moneer Jaibaji

Contact us to schedule a consultation for body contouring after weight loss. During your consultation, you will have the opportunity to review photos and discuss details such as the cost and expected recovery time.

Case Studies

Gender: Female, Height: 5′ 1″, Weight: 165 lbs Months Post-Op: 6 Body Contouring San Diego Body Contouring Procedure: Body Lift San Diego and La Jolla Type of Liposuction used: Super Wet Technique Liposuction Liposuction Treated Areas: Waist This patient, from San Diego, lost over 100 lb. She underwent circumferential abdominoplasty.

Extended Tummy Tuck San Diego Breast lift and Augmentation San Diego< Gender: Female Months Post-Op: 3 Body Contouring San Diego, La Jolla and Coronado Body Contouring Procedure: Extended Tummy Tuck San Diego This patient had lost over 100 lb with weight watchers.. She underwent extended abdominoplasty. Mommy makeover, breast lift with augmentation with silicone implants 350 cc. The implants were placed under the pectoralis muscle.  Muscle repair in the abdomen., diastasis repair, belly button surgery, correction of back rolls.

Male Body Lift San Diego Gender: MaleBody Contouring Procedure: Circumferential Abdominoplasty
This patient had body lift for weight loss.This type of abdominoplasty is more complex and invasive than traditional abdominoplasty. It involves making an incision entirely around the waist. The muscles of the abdomen are tightened and excess skin and fat are removed. The abdominal skin is then pulled taut and trimmed to create a fit and toned midsection. Additionally, the outer thighs and buttocks are lifted and reshaped, giving the lower body a completely re sculpted and rejuvenated appearance.

Gender: female Age: 28 yrs Ht: 4.11 / Weight: 101 lbs. Body procedure: Fat transfer to buttocks and Liposuction. Volume of fat: 350 cc each side. Surgery: Body contouring This patient from San Diego was interested in fat transfer to the buttocks.


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1001 B Avenue,
Suite 108
Coronado, Ca, 92118
Phone: (619) 435-1736
Phone & Text: (619) 522-0821

Monday                8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday                8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday          8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday              8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday                   8:00 am – 5:00 pm

8929 University Center Ln
Suite 202,
La Jolla, CA 92122
Phone: (619) 435-1736
Phone & Text: (619) 522-0821

Monday                8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday                8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday          8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday              8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday                   8:00 am – 5:00 pm