How to Choose a Plastic Surgeon for your cosmetic procedure
In a recent article published in the UK, the Royal College of Surgeons of England urged people to take their time in searching for a plastic surgeon before undergoing cosmetic surgery.
The booming of the cosmetic industry and easy accessibility to plastic surgery will require extra caution by people willing to have cosmetic procedures. The ability to search a procedure online and the slick marketing campaigns by many practices can give the impression that you can achieve the ideal figure easily and without complications.
The decision to have a cosmetic procedure is a big decision and should not be taken lightly according to the article.
The General Medical Council in the UK has published information for patients who are considering cosmetic procedures; below are the recommended information for the public.
C Consent- The doctor who will carry out the procedure must speak to you personally and get your consent.
O Openness- Your doctor must be open and honest about their skills, experience, fees, and any conflict of interest.
S Safety- Your procedure must take place in a safe and suitable environment.
M. Marketing- Your doctor must market their services responsibly and be clear about the risks involved.
E Experience- Your doctor should have experience of carrying out the procedure you’ve asked for.
T Time-Your doctor must give you enough time to make your decision. You should never feel pressured or rushed into having a procedure.
I. Information- Your doctor must give you clear information, including details about aftercare and who to contact if you’re worried.
C Costs- Your doctor must explain the costs clearly, including details of any fees you need to pay for any potential additional procedures.
Dr. Jaibaji, is a board certified plastic surgeon in San Diego, CA. If you are considering a cosmetic procedure and more information you can contact our office at 619 522 0821.