7 Things You Must Know Before Getting a Boob Job
Before you go for the breast consultation it is advisable that you prepare for the consultation. There are many things you should know about breast augmentation surgery and below are some of the things you should consider
1. The implants wont last forever.
In general, the recommendation is you have the breast checked after 10 years or whenever there is a concern about the breast. That does not mean you have to replace them. But, if there is hardening of the implant or significant change in breast shape or implant location then you may have to replace them.
2. Bra cup size does not equate with implant size.
3. You may need breast lift or other procedures to enhance the shape of the breast.
4. Silicone implants are safe.
5. You may not be able to drive for 5-7 days after the surgery.
Your plastic surgeon will discuss with you when you will be able to drive after surgery.
6. You can have fat transferred to the breast for breast enhancement with or without an implant.
7. Check you surgeons credentials before surgery.
It is advisable to have your breast surgery with someone who is trained and credentialed by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. www.plasticsurgery.org you will find a list of plastic surgeons in your area that you can consult.
There are other aspects of the surgery that you need to address with your plastic surgeon during your consultation.
Moneer Jaibaji, MD is a double board certified plastic surgeon serving San Diego area. If you are interested in a consultation you can contact our office at 619 522 0821.